Sunday, May 6, 2012


In the past year or so I have had a couple of scares that my computer might crash and that I might lose all my pictures stored there.  I have also had an ongoing dilema with how to store those many pictures  in as little space as possible, because storage space for picture starts to becomes an issue.    After our recent trip to Italy and Haileys birthday party I set about  to copy my pictures onto  disks and I when I went to the cupboard to get a jewel case and saw that I was out so I made a trip to Staples and it was there that I made a great little discovery. As  I was looking for more Jewel cases when I came across this cute little file looking box that can store 80 disks in half the amount of space as the slim jewel cases.  My goal then became to organize and catalog all of my pictures...what a good feeling it is to know that all my pictures are organized and safe and sound.  I am so happy to come across this little find.  I can now save twice as many disks in half the amount of space.  And the box is cute enough to leave out on a shelf if you want.  THIS BOX MAKES ME HAPPY NOT ONLY BECAUSE IT IS GREAT STORAGE, BUT IT ENCOURAGED  ME TO GET ALL MY PICTURES ORGANIZED SO NOW IF I WANT TO FIND THE PICTURES FROM CHRISTMAS 2009  I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE THEY ARE.  YEAH!!

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